Generally, residents across the UK will spend part of their lives renting accommodation before ultimately climbing the housing ladder and having a place of their own. Following a stint of rental experiences, residents can be extremely eager to have their own property having experienced a degree of limitation in other homes, especially when it comes to design.
Rental properties can be more transient than purchases, with the average rental period lasting about four years. This period is seldom long enough for homeowners to invest significantly in the design and architecture of the property and, as such, many reside to maintain the property owner’s choices. Additionally, some property owners limit the changes that can be made to a property.
For those purchasing their first home, there can be a great deal of excitement with a host of possibilities lying ahead. We’re sharing seven of the best design ideas for those purchasing their first property.
Embrace Colour
Traditionally, to preserve the broad appeal of a property, rentals are painted white. This is because colours can divide opinion and, as a result, minimise potential renting opportunities. Once a resident is in their own home, however, they can embrace as much colour as they’d like, expressing themselves through their living spaces.
Choose Furniture
Instead of having to accept other people’s choices of furniture, individuals can begin reclining on their own sofas and sleeping in their own beds. Choosing furniture should be a primary goal for those moving into their own living space, filling each room with their favourite designs.
Garden Design
Whether longing for log cabins or wanting to convert lawns into vegetable patches, gardens are an amazing way to embrace the natural space of a property. When a resident first takes on a garden space, they will quickly learn that it’s a good idea to implement a design early on or find changes more difficult to make later down the line.
Shape With Lighting
The balance and styling of a home’s lighting is the foundation of aesthetics. To make a place feel like home, it is important to consider the lighting. Be sure to swap out cold bulbs with warm alternatives, as well as embrace creative lighting methods.
Statement Designs
Expressing oneself through design is important and a great way to do so is to create a statement design. These bold aesthetics can come in many forms, such as with bespoke embellishments, accent walls, or intricate wallpaper aesthetics.
Get Smart
Having custom technological features in your homes, such as smart bulbs and speakers, can be an element of luxury that is greatly valued, saving energy and making simple tasks more efficient. Since these often require wiring to be installed, it is important to add them to a property early on.
Paint An Exterior
A property can very easily feel like a home when it expresses your personality. This certainly applies indoors but perhaps even more so externally. For many, it wasn’t until they painted their home’s facade, generally in a colour they loved, that a property finally began to feel like their own.
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